Thursday, October 14, 2010

Have a nice day then!

Conversation with the little one at 7pm last night, moments before bedtime:

LO: I am going out.

Me: (grabbing camera off kitchen bench to fire off a few snaps quickly) Where are you going darling?

LO: (Smiling beatifically for camera) To work.

Me: Really?  Are you sure you should wear the bunny ears to work?

LO: Yes, dadda always wears bunny ears to work.

Me: (Laughing, all other photos now blurry)  Does he now?  I must have a word with your father about that then!


  1. With a face that cute he can wear his bunny ears and even his PJ's to work... What a cute story. Great you wrote it down as well as capturing it. Pruxxx

  2. What a precious moment, Emma! I really have to start transcribing some of the (often mystifying) conversations we have on Planet Baby! J x

  3. Your husband must have a really interesting job.

  4. Ha ha Julia, nope... IT. Would love to catch him in those ears though!

  5. I love your idea of interviewing the kids...will have to give that a go some time soon...the boys have such cute curls in their hair - they are so lovely!
    Left a little tag on my last post for you x happy weekend!

  6. this made me laugh. my five year old handed me a picture he drew of my wedding day and it had flowers and lots of rainbows and then i asked, "whats on my head?" he replied, "bunny ears."



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